Boris Schäling

Download: Frequently asked questions

Here you find answers to frequently asked questions about purchasing books and solutions. If you have any questions not answered here just send me an email!

Table of Contents

Why is the download of books not free?

The fee associated with the download of a book helps funding new book ideas. I work as a software consultant and am responsible for various projects. While these projects are quite interesting, they also consume a lot of time. The revenue from my books actually allows me to refuse a new project and rather work on another book. The books itself are based on my experience in the field and geared towards topics relevant in today's software development. I always try to convey even complicated topics in a simple fashion. By bying a book, you actually help growing the number of books available at this website.

Why is the download of solutions not free?

Many seminars use the books from this website as accompanying literature. Participants are asked to solve the exercises autonomously. Making the solutions visible on this website would defeat this purpose.

Solutions to the exercises in the books exist way longer than the possibility to download. Since I received many requests from readers who wanted to compare their solutions to mine, they are now available at a fee.

What are the supported payment methods?

The supported payment methods are:

PayPal and Skrill provide an electronic wallet which makes it very easy to pay on the Internet. However you must be a registered member to get an electronic wallet. If you are not registered and don't want to register either simply pay with your credit card.

Please note that you are required to provide personal information such as your mailing address when using your credit card. This helps preventing credit card fraud and thus serves your own security.